The Classics
If you’ve been playing video games for a while now, or if you’ve ever read articles about bad video game translations, you’ll probably recognize these.![Zero Wing (Mega Drive/Genesis)
[Read more: Zero Wing translation comparison] Zero Wing (Mega Drive/Genesis)
[Read more: Zero Wing translation comparison]](
Zero Wing (Mega Drive/Genesis)
[Read more: Zero Wing translation comparison]
[Read more: Zero Wing translation comparison]
![Final Fantasy II (Super NES)[Note that this isn't actually a translation mistake though: explanation] Final Fantasy II (Super NES)[Note that this isn't actually a translation mistake though: explanation]](
Final Fantasy II (Super NES)
[Note that this isn't actually a translation mistake though: explanation]
[Note that this isn't actually a translation mistake though: explanation]
![Ghostbusters (NES)
[The Japanese version is somehow even worse!] Ghostbusters (NES)
[The Japanese version is somehow even worse!]](
Ghostbusters (NES)
[The Japanese version is somehow even worse!]
[The Japanese version is somehow even worse!]
![Final Fantasy V (PlayStation)[Should be "Wyvern" - more details here] Final Fantasy V (PlayStation)[Should be "Wyvern" - more details here]](
Final Fantasy V (PlayStation)
[Should be "Wyvern" - more details here]
[Should be "Wyvern" - more details here]
![Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)[Note that this isn't actually a mistranslation though: explanation] Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)[Note that this isn't actually a mistranslation though: explanation]](
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)
[Note that this isn't actually a mistranslation though: explanation]
[Note that this isn't actually a mistranslation though: explanation]
Personal Favorites, Part 1
Every couple weeks I’ll add more of my favorite examples of bad translation that I’ve come across during my normal game translation research. Here’s the first set of many to come!![Twinkle Star Sprites (Neo Geo)
[See more examples here] Twinkle Star Sprites (Neo Geo)
[See more examples here]](
Twinkle Star Sprites (Neo Geo)
[See more examples here]
[See more examples here]
I swear to god, somebody NEEDS to track down that bootleg game.
The background text says “fantasia” (or maybe “Lantasia”) so that could be a starting point for a search.
Arcade bootlegs are a goldmine of crazy.
A quick search for Fantasia brings up this Gals’ Panic knockoff series (screenshots may be NSFW):
Oops, wasn’t finished. So it looks like the screenshot in this article is from either the second game “New Fantasia” or its SFW clone “Super Model”.
Side note: it cracks me up that that site lists the celebrity portraits for those games as:
Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator)
Uncle Fester
Robin Williams (Toys)
Peter Weller (Robocop)
Yasser Arafat
Saddam Hussein
I guess “Uncle Fester” is just a guy, then, and not a role played by Christopher Lloyd.
Haha, oh boy, what a game to feature on this site. I used to do a random MAME game roulette thing years ago, which is why I couldn’t remember the game name. The combination of the roster and the bad English was too good not to screenshot!
I bet there’s a whole dark world of these kinds of adult bootleg games. I wonder if badly translated English is common in them.
Could anybody please tell me what’s unusual about the Bubble Bobble one? I didn’t quite see any spelling or grammatical errors in that one, unless the way the sentence is the unnatural part?
I 100% agree that it’s one of the weaker “classic” bad translations – in fact, many classics from that era like “spoony bard”, “I am Error”, and “let’s attack aggressively” were pretty weak to begin with, but mostly became memorable through popularity, repetition, initial unexpectedness, word of mouth, etc. And given that 30+ years have passed, it’s understandable that what might’ve seemed odd back then now seems tame and normal today.
In Bubble Bobble’s case, I’m guessing it was just the unnatural-ness, at least in comparison to the simple, straightforward messages from other arcade games from the time.
In a similar vein, there’s nothing technically “wrong” with the Terranigma shot — “thank you for arousing me” is correctly constructed, and “arousing” can very well mean what it’s being used to mean. The catch is that it has pretty strong connotations of something rather more amusing.
Also, if I could propose one addition to this gallery, it would be “I, GARLAND, will knock you all down!”
Terragnima was my first ever project.
It also happened to be one of NOA’s first text-heavy localizations (alongside Mother 2), so nobody’d thought to arrange the text files in any logical order. Text would be placed in files based on locations rather than by chronology, so I’d often have to guess as to who the hell was talking and imagine the back-and-forth dialog.
That “arousing” may’ve even be deliberate–I think I’d guessed that line to be uttered by Bloody Mary or some female nasty. …But that’s also over thirty years ago, so there’s no way I can say with any degree of certainty.
Over “twenty years ago.”
Wait, NOA? Terranigma was never released in North America. Please could you elaborate?
NOA did the localizing (and took credit for my translation work), but ultimately decided against releasing it.
I suspect Earthbound turning into a massive bomb scared them off RPGs, especially in the waning days of SNES when carts were stinking expensive.
Even though its prequel/sequel, Illusion of Gaia, was very successful?
The one you listed is the revised English version of Bubble Bobble. See the japanese one here:
I seriously cannot make heads or tails of what B.C. Story is trying to say!
Hi Mato.
I don’t think that “Take care, Ho!” is a bad translation. In final fantasy, the Dwarves have a habit of saying “Lalli-Ho” and I’m wondering if in japanese they end every sentence with desu-ho or something similar. I feel like it would be acceptable translation to leave some of those “Ho”s in.
That said, it does sound very funny out of context.
Oh, don’t worry, I know all about hos in Final Fantasy IV:
The interesting thing is that the Japanese version of that line didn’t have a lali or a ho, so the translator went out of their way to add it in. It’s not a bad translation in the “wrong” sense, just in the “unintentionally has alternate meanings” sense.
“I’ll jack into your squirrel” is also a case of this. In Battle Network characters “Jack In” to electronics to enter cyberspace, and that squirrel statue has a computer in it.
“Ranger, are you working? You are working hard!” from BoFII is still my fave ^^
The Robotrek / Slapstick ones are pretty hilarious!
No mention of Breath of Fire 2? Not even “Equip Lod/Bait”?
Not yet, mostly because I already have a dedicated gallery planned for it + I already have 100s of BoF2 bad translation pics here anyway:
I guess maybe I don’t need to do a second gallery for it maybe, now that I think about it.
It’s still annoying to see “I am Error” listed as a “bad translation”. It’s the guy’s name, it’s a pretty straight translation of the original line, and people should KNOW it’s the guy’s name since you’re told to go talk to Error to get some rather crucial information on how to progress about halfway into the game. I never got why this constantly gets treated as some context-less random nonsense line.
Yeah, I think it seemed funny back in the day when this sort of stuff was new and nobody knew Error was intended, but nowadays it just seems quaint. That’s why I have the “classics” section up top – I’m thinking I should put “I am Error” up there and link to my article about it, just to spread the word some more.
EDIT: Okay, just added it and included a link to my article. Did the same with the spoony bard pic too.
Oh right, I completely forgot you wrote an article about it way back.
This might not be a translation error (or maybe it is?), but in Advance Wars 2 (US version), Flak refers to the Bombers as indirect units (units that fire at a distance). This is incorrect, as Bombers (well all air units) are direct units.
It does fit Flak’s stupidity. They did fix this dialogue in the European version, which confused me at the time where the indirect joke came from.
Gods, Lufia: The Legend Returns is full of some ridiculous foul ups. It’s seriously embarrassing how awful it gets, and it happens right away too.
oooh yeah, I loves me some hot SQEXToys
In ZUN defense, he was making that game all by himself. 😀
“You cannot stop me with paramecium alone.”
Did you find the guy?
Seeing the evergreen “HARRY UP” mistake made me nostalgic enough to fire up Highly Responsive to Prayers, and I thought you might get a chuckle out of the stage clear screen:
Bad translations in video games exist because of not only deadlines, but for overbearing censorship policies. I bet Nintendo of America’s Early 90’s overbearing video game policies were just as stupid as the bad English that we know and remember today.
I always thought “A WINNER IS WHOM!” was a top-level reference to “A WINNER IS YOU”, which is doubly appropriate given the context of the game’s storyline.
Heads up, that “YOU ARE INVOLVED IN A CRIE” screencap is from Data East’s Chanbara.
Speaking of warnings in arcade games – there’s also the “FULL EXTENT OF THE JAM” in DoDonPachi.
Thanks! I was trying to figure that out forever!
My favorite ones are “X-men! Welcome….to die!” in X-men the Arcade game, and “Why should it goes well?” in Captain America and the Avengers.
The Megaman one isn’t a bad translation though! Jacking in is a common term in cyberpunk fiction.
Pretty sure they spoke of jacking in to a car in at least the first one, which sounds like a RATHER SERIOUS crime. 😛
What about this one:
I don’t know what game it’s from, though i can guess the franchise at least.
An SNK vs. Capcom game for the NeoGeo Pocket Color?
I fail to see any big problems with the “Vs. Super Mario Bros” screen (except for “area” instead of “level”). Is it mainly a pretty strained description of game mechanics most players know by heart?
I actually highlighted the problem in the the Vs. Mario screenshot – it’s the one at the very top: “The heroes Mario and Luigi must rescue Bowser from Peach.”
Ah, I missed that in the wall of text… Thanks!
Someone must make a ROM hack that reverses Bowser and Peach’s roles based on this line.
I remember the Robotrek ones fondly back from when I first discovered that game around 2000. In the same scene as the first screenshot with the Hacker soldier, Dr. Akihabara’s line immediately before is also pretty good. Something like, “It never fails! You Hackers area [sic] all alike! What an evil bunch!”
Though I never noticed before now that Nagisa’s tutorial for the Invention Machine says “maintenaned”. I’d always read it as “maintained”, even though I noticed all the other oddities in that line.
Lufia 2’s entire bestiary has messed up names to the point where you wonder if the translator was doing it intentionally or if he had never played an RPG before.
Stuff like Wyverns became Waibans, Golems became Gorems, Liches became Leeches and even basic mythology stuff like Sirens became Seireins for some reason.
Hell the translator even messed up with stuff like Black Kelps being translated as Crow Kelp, Sea Vipers as She-Vipers, Assassins as Asashins and Blade Plants as Red Plants.
But my favorite case is this guy in this picture. Orky, this guy appears really late in a 100 floor dungeon and he’s one of the bigger difficulty spikes in the game, he gets 8 attacks in one turn and has nearly the most hp a normal enemy gets in the game (Second only to the strongest enemy in the game the Gold Dragons).
I had a small fascination with them since they were the hardest I got beaten in the game up until that point and for the longest time I wondered where the hell they came from and why they were so strong.
A few years ago I came to realize they were actually supposed to be named “Orochi” after the eight headed snake from Japanese mythology but the translator somehow messed this up despite having as much Engrish as possible in his other names.
I can’t see anything wrong with the text from Meo’s Mystery Adventure. What was the original?
Oh, the game is entirely in English to begin with, so that is the original text. There’s nothing wrong with it grammatically or anything, it’s just a very ridiculous sounding line.
“Confirm the origin of fire!” is hilarious to me and I don’t know why.
That one might be even more amusing if you’re a Blue Öyster Cult fan…
Decades later, it just hit me in the shower, what it was trying to say!
Our little man is checking the pilot-light on his gas stove.
I am trying to remember my grade-school rules and I think ‘A winner is you.’ checks out as grammatically correct; it just sounds very stupid.
“Reploid Research Lavatory” (Mega Man Xtreme 2 opening) is a good one.
And this one from the arcade Captain America and the Avengers:
– You can’t escape!
– You will be the one escaping!
Thanks for this post! The Ghosts ‘n Goblins screenshots really take me back 🙂
Great blog!