Bad Translations (27 articles)
Revisit all the old classics of bad translation and discover new gems that you've never seen before!
Blog Posts (4 articles)
Catch up with the latest site news and book release updates in these articles.
Comparison Galleries (3 articles)
Now you can compare game translations and possibly make new discoveries of your own!
Findings & Discoveries (17 articles)
During my research I sometimes find interesting info that isn't documented anywhere else.
Galleries (11 articles)
Sometimes it's easier to explore a topic with tons of pictures instead of words.
Game Mysteries (30 articles)
Looking at game translations can solve long-standing video game mysteries.
Game Translation Comparisons (151 articles)
Touches on the Game Translation Comparisons series in general and not any single specific game.
Getting it Localized (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Getting it Localized series in general.
Getting Technical (4 articles)
Game localization isn't all about text - there's also a technical side full of issues that rarely get noticed by the average player.
Guest Articles (4 articles)
Fellow translators share their personal experiences to shed much-needed light on the human side of game translation.
Language Lab (46 articles)
This sounds bland, but it's probably some of the best and most useful stuff on the site!
Localization Roundups (11 articles)
I often want to write about smaller topics that don't need dedicated articles, so I've started bundling them together as roundup articles.
Movie Comparisons (2 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Movie Comparisons series.
Regional Differences (94 articles)
How do games change during the translation/localization process? These articles have all the answers.
Reviews (3 articles)
My goal is to review game localizations from a professional's viewpoint, but I haven't done much with the idea yet.
Studying Japanese & Translation (6 articles)
Even if you aren't interested in the Japanese language or in becoming a translator, you'll still learn a lot of useful info from these articles.
Tools and Research (7 articles)
Besides writing articles about translation, I also write related software that borders on the "crazy mad scientist" level.
Translation Live Streams (17 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Translation Live Streams series.
What Do They Think? (16 articles)
Learn what Japanese fans think about various gaming topics and how Japanese gamers have reacted to game announcements.
What's That Say? (7 articles)
Video games are full of signs with Japanese squiggles on them. Now we'll see what they actually say!