How the Metroid Series’ “Varia Suit” Was Originally a Mistranslation
The Varia Suit is a key power-up throughout the Metroid series, but the name is actually a mistranslation.
Is Ridley from Metroid Really Native to Zebes?
Is this powerful foe really the source of all life on Planet Zebes? Or was there a mistranslation somewhere?
Super Metroid & Other English Games with Japanese Text Options
Super Metroid was ahead of the curve in many ways. What other games offered a Japanese language option?
The Problem with L, R, and Other Letters in Japanese Translation
There's actual logic behind all those Japanese game typos, and it goes beyond L and R.
Tricky Translations #4: “I” & “Me” in Japanese
There are dozens of ways to say "I" and "me" in Japanese. Let's look at how they work and who uses each one!
Was Samus Called a He in Japanese Metroid Too?
Players around the world were surprised to learn Samus was a woman. Was it a surprise in Japan too?
What Does Japan Think of Metroid: Other M?
This game is often derided by Western fans and critics, but what do Japanese players think of it?