Fat, Beauty, and A Link Between Worlds’ Localization
In Japanese, a queen loses her beauty when she grows fat. This changed in English... but how?
Japan’s Love Affair with Filler English Text
When you need a block of English text no one will read, just copy it from something crazy.
Localization Roundup #5
Includes: how big game scripts really are, industry insider info, funny translations, latest fan translations, bad voice acting.
Localization Roundup #9
Includes: 13 new fan translations, pineapples as vegetables, weird Pokemon names, and funny English.
Tricky Translations #2: The Four Heavenly Kings
Here's why the phrase "Four Heavenly Kings" appears in so many translations and why it's surprisingly tough to translate.
Tricky Translations #4: “I” & “Me” in Japanese
There are dozens of ways to say "I" and "me" in Japanese. Let's look at how they work and who uses each one!