Vroom in the Night Sky’s English Translation


Vroom in the night sky by POISOFT was a March 3, 2017 launch title for the Nintendo Switch in multiple regions around the world. The English version quickly became notorious for its poor translation.

Video Showcase

The following video shows off many of the bad translations from both versions of the game. If videos aren’t your thing, the screenshot section below covers the same material and more.

Screenshot Showcase

The following screenshots showcase some of the translations from the original release. (Note: clicking an image will bring up the “Gallery View” – press Left or Right or click the arrows to navigate easily.)

Original Release

Updated Version

Word of Vroom’s translation spread around the Internet, eventually making its way to the game’s developer. Embarrassed, the company rushed to release a patch with an updated translation and several gameplay improvements. The new patch launched on April 6, 2017. Fans of the bad translation assumed the charmingly poor translation was gone forever. Instead, the “improved” translation made many things worse!

Before and After

So which lines were changed? Is the new translation better? Here are several comparisons with between the first translation and the updated translation:

  1. I love this game <3

  2. It is quite annoying to click through the images. I want to keep my mouse cursor on on the “next”-button and just click, but the button disappears when you stop moving the mouse. So instead, I have to wiggle the mouse before clicking every time, or otherwise I close the slideshow.

  3. The update is so weird. Some things are better and some things are worse, sometimes in the exact same dialogue exchange. What happened? (Honestly, I think the game’s pretty cute for what it is, but not exactly spectacular, and would have liked to have seen more done with the idea)

  4. For some reason, “It is such a thing” cracks me up.
    (I’m assuming it was translated from “そうです” or a similar expression.)