Long Ago, Pokémon Married People All the Time
The English and Japanese scripts explain this historical fact differently.
Tricky Translations #4: “I” & “Me” in Japanese
With dozens of ways to say "I" and "me" in Japanese, a lot can get lost in translation.
Examining the Creepy Secret Message in Sonic CD
The Japanese text says "Infinite Fun - Sega Enterprises- Image by Majin"
Common Problems When Translating Games Into Japanese
Translating your game into Japanese can be disastrous if it's only an afterthought.
MOTHER 3’s Timeline of Hope
A cycle of hope, hype, and disappointment has surrounded this game almost 30 years.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night’s “Miserable Pile of Secrets” Scene in Japanese
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets." wasn't in the original text.
Squall’s “Whatever” Line in Japanese Final Fantasy VIII
Squall's catchphrase appears much more often in English than in Japanese.
Is This Character in Pokémon X/Y Transgender?
A line in Pokémon X/Y had fans clamoring for details and analysis.
The Many Japanese Pop-Culture References in Super Mario RPG
The Japanese script is filled with references that were lost in translation.
Is This Pokémon Couple as Suggestive in Japanese?
This lovey-dovey couple has an "interesting" Pokémon combination.
Which Final Fantasy IV Translation Should You Play?
There's a new Final Fantasy IV translation every 3 or 4 years. Which is best?
The Infamous “Retard” Line in Japanese Final Fantasy VII
The Japanese line simply says "Whoa! Don’t say that, you’ll jinx us!".
The Problem with L, R, and Other Letters in Japanese Translation
There's logic behind all those funny Japanese typos, and it goes beyond L and R.
Pokémon’s Famous “Comfy Shorts” Line in Japanese
"Shorts are nice and easy to move around in! Why don’t you wear some too?"
How to Pronounce Ryu’s Name
The language barrier has plagued Ryu's name for decades now.