Besides articles and books, I also work on lots of side projects that combine my interests in translation, programming, and classic games.
Tech Projects
These projects involve custom software I designed, some of which is available for anyone to use. Some of these projects also include entertaining write-ups about the development process and how things work under the hood.
Funky Fantasy IV: A Machine-Translated Video Game Experiment
I Google-Translated an entire video game one day. The results were so surprising that I even wrote a book about it!
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past – Live Japanese Script Viewer
This custom tool displays the Japanese script live as you play the English game. You can try it for yourself!
Tomato Adventure Fan Translation Patch & Tools
This quirky JRPG is the spiritual predecessor of Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. It's never been translated... until now.
Wanderbar SNES, NES, and GB/GBC/GBA Overview
I glued a Super NES and NES emulator to a web browser to create a useful tool for fans, students, and others.
MOTHER 1+2 Fan Translation & Tools
Years ago I translated the first half of this GBA compilation, then shared my tools online.
MOTHER 3 Fan Translation Dev Blog & Tools
I chronicled every step of this game's translation process and then shared our custom tools online.
Video & Streaming Projects
These tend to be much more casual projects that are more fun and interesting than they are useful. For a full list of all our live streams, see here.
Live Game Translations
Creating a single, complete translation patch can take a long time - sometimes it even takes several years. It's hard to find free time like that these days, so I instead prefer to translate games live while I play them. Here are a few such live translation projects.