If you’re a fan of a particular series, use this handy guide to find articles you’ll like!
.hack series (1 article)
Touches on the .hack series in general and not any single specific game.
Ace Attorney series (9 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Ace Attorney series.
Actraiser series (2 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Actraiser series.
Aero Fighters / Sonic Wings series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Aero Fighters / Sonic Wings series.
Alex Kidd series (1 article)
I've written about the Alex Kidd series in general here.
Animal Crossing series (1 article)
I've written about the Animal Crossing series in general here.
Atelier series (2 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Atelier series.
Avengers series (2 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Avengers series.
Banjo-Kazooie series (3 articles)
I've written about the Banjo-Kazooie series in general here.
Bomberman series (2 articles)
I've written about the Bomberman series in general here.
Borderlands series (1 article)
Touches on the Borderlands series in general and not any single specific game.
Breath of Fire series (11 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Breath of Fire series in general.
Bubsy series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Bubsy series.
Call of Duty series (1 article)
Touches on the Call of Duty series in general and not any single specific game.
Cardcaptor Sakura series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Cardcaptor Sakura series in general.
Castlevania series (7 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Castlevania series in general.
Chrono series (10 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Chrono series in general.
Corpse Party series (1 article)
Touches on the Corpse Party series in general and not any single specific game.
Danganronpa series (4 articles)
I've written about the Danganronpa series in general here.
Dead Rising series (1 article)
I've written about the Dead Rising series in general here.
Disgaea series (5 articles)
I've written about the Disgaea series in general here.
Dissidia Final Fantasy series (2 articles)
Touches on the Dissidia Final Fantasy series in general and not any single specific game.
Donkey Kong series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Donkey Kong series in general.
Dragon Ball series (6 articles)
I've written about the Dragon Ball series in general here.
Dragon Quest series (15 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Dragon Quest series.
Dragon Quest Builders series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Dragon Quest Builders series.
EarthBound / MOTHER series (75 articles)
I've written about the EarthBound / MOTHER series in general here.
Elder Scrolls series (1 article)
Touches on the Elder Scrolls series in general and not any single specific game.
Etrian Odyssey series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Etrian Odyssey series in general.
Fallout series (3 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Fallout series.
Famicom Detective Club series (1 article)
Touches on the Famicom Detective Club series in general and not any single specific game.
Fate series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Fate series in general.
Final Fantasy series (103 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy Legend / SaGa series (4 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Final Fantasy Legend / SaGa series.
Final Fight series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Final Fight series in general.
Fire Emblem series (5 articles)
I've written about the Fire Emblem series in general here.
Game Center CX series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Game Center CX series in general.
Gears of War series (1 article)
Touches on the Gears of War series in general and not any single specific game.
Ghostbusters series (4 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Ghostbusters series in general.
Ghosts 'n Goblins / Makaimura series (4 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Ghosts 'n Goblins / Makaimura series.
God of War series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the God of War series in general.
Godzilla series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Godzilla series.
Goemon series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Goemon series in general.
Goonies series (2 articles)
I've written about the Goonies series in general here.
Gradius series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Gradius series in general.
Grand Theft Auto series (2 articles)
I've written about the Grand Theft Auto series in general here.
Gundam series (5 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Gundam series in general.
Harry Potter series (3 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Harry Potter series.
Harvest Moon series (6 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Harvest Moon series in general.
Hydlide series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Hydlide series.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series.
Kaiju Monogatari series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Kaiju Monogatari series in general.
Katamari Damacy series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Katamari Damacy series in general.
Kid Icarus series (4 articles)
I've written about the Kid Icarus series in general here.
King of Fighters series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the King of Fighters series.
Kingdom Hearts series (2 articles)
I've written about the Kingdom Hearts series in general here.
Kirby series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Kirby series in general.
Klonoa series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Klonoa series in general.
Legend of Heroes series (1 article)
I've written about the Legend of Heroes series in general here.
Lufia series (5 articles)
I've written about the Lufia series in general here.
Lunar series (4 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Lunar series in general.
Mana / Seiken Densetsu series (14 articles)
I've written about the Mana / Seiken Densetsu series in general here.
Mario and Luigi series (1 article)
Touches on the Mario and Luigi series in general and not any single specific game.
Mario Kart series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Mario Kart series.
Mario Party series (2 articles)
I've written about the Mario Party series in general here.
Marvel vs. Capcom series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Marvel vs. Capcom series.
Medabots series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Medabots series.
Mega Man / Rockman series (10 articles)
I've written about the Mega Man / Rockman series in general here.
Metal Gear series (9 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Metal Gear series in general.
Metroid series (7 articles)
Touches on the Metroid series in general and not any single specific game.
Monster Hunter series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Monster Hunter series.
Ni no Kuni series (1 article)
I've written about the Ni no Kuni series in general here.
Nier series (1 article)
Touches on the Nier series in general and not any single specific game.
Ninja Gaiden series (2 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Ninja Gaiden series.
Ogre Battle series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Ogre Battle series in general.
Pac-Man series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Pac-Man series in general.
Paper Mario series (6 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Paper Mario series.
Parappa the Rapper series (1 article)
Touches on the Parappa the Rapper series in general and not any single specific game.
Parodius series (1 article)
I've written about the Parodius series in general here.
Persona / Megami Tensei series (11 articles)
I've written about the Persona / Megami Tensei series in general here.
Phantasy Star series (5 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Phantasy Star series in general.
Pokemon series (25 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Pokemon series.
Project X Zone series (1 article)
I've written about the Project X Zone series in general here.
Punch-Out series (2 articles)
Touches on the Punch-Out series in general and not any single specific game.
Puyo Puyo series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Puyo Puyo series.
Puzzle Bobble series (1 article)
I've written about the Puzzle Bobble series in general here.
Ratchet & Clank series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Ratchet & Clank series.
Resident Evil series (4 articles)
I've written about the Resident Evil series in general here.
River City Ransom / Kunio-kun series (1 article)
Touches on the River City Ransom / Kunio-kun series in general and not any single specific game.
Sailor Moon series (6 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Sailor Moon series in general.
Sakura Wars series (1 article)
I've written about the Sakura Wars series in general here.
Samurai Shodown series (1 article)
I've written about the Samurai Shodown series in general here.
Sega AGES series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Sega AGES series in general.
Shenmue series (1 article)
Touches on the Shenmue series in general and not any single specific game.
Shinobi series (1 article)
Touches on the Shinobi series in general and not any single specific game.
Silent Hill series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Silent Hill series in general.
Sonic the Hedgehog series (6 articles)
I've written about the Sonic the Hedgehog series in general here.
Souls series (4 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Souls series in general.
Splatoon series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Splatoon series in general.
Star Ocean series (5 articles)
I've written about the Star Ocean series in general here.
Story of Seasons series (1 article)
Touches on the Story of Seasons series in general and not any single specific game.
Street Fighter series (7 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Street Fighter series.
Suikoden series (3 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Suikoden series.
Super Mario Bros. series (37 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Super Mario Bros. series.
Super Robot Wars series (2 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Super Robot Wars series.
Super Smash Bros. series (13 articles)
Touches on the Super Smash Bros. series in general and not any single specific game.
Sword Art Online series (17 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Sword Art Online series.
Tales series (7 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Tales series.
Tekken series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Tekken series.
Tengai Makyo series (3 articles)
I've written about the Tengai Makyo series in general here.
The Legend of Zelda series (55 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the The Legend of Zelda series.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Theatrhythm Final Fantasy series.
Touhou series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Touhou series in general.
Trails in the Sky series (3 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Trails in the Sky series in general.
Trails of Cold Steel series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Trails of Cold Steel series.
Transformers series (3 articles)
Touches on the Transformers series in general and not any single specific game.
Ultima series (1 article)
Includes some general discussion about the Ultima series.
Uncharted series (1 article)
I've written about the Uncharted series in general here.
Valis series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Valis series in general.
Valkyria Chronicles series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Valkyria Chronicles series in general.
Wario Ware series (3 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Wario Ware series in general.
Watch Dogs series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the Watch Dogs series in general.
Witcher series (2 articles)
Touches on the Witcher series in general and not any single specific game.
Wonder Boy series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Wonder Boy series in general.
World Heroes series (1 article)
Discusses topics related to the World Heroes series in general.
Xeno series (7 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Xeno series.
Yakuza series (14 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Yakuza series in general.
Yokai Watch series (1 article)
I've written about the Yokai Watch series in general here.
Ys series (5 articles)
Includes some general discussion about the Ys series.
Yu-Gi-Oh series (2 articles)
Discusses topics related to the Yu-Gi-Oh series in general.