3D Dot Game Heroes (1 article)
In this post I look at anime, consistency problems, and name changes.
428: Shibuya Scramble (2 articles)
Topics include bad English and fan translations.
999 (1 article)
This post covers comedy, jokes, and wordplay.
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Actraiser (2 articles)
I cover alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more in these posts.
Aero Fighters (1 article)
Topics include bad English and bootlegs.
AI: The Somnium Files (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Akumajo Dracula: The Arcade (1 article)
I cover incorrect translations, references to stuff, and translation notes in this post.
Alan Wake (1 article)
I cover fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting in this post.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Alice in the Heart ~Wonderful Wonder World~ (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like bad English and machine translation.
Animal Crossing New Leaf (1 article)
This post features a look at Japanese writing systems and the Japanese language.
Ar Nosurge (1 article)
Includes a look at censorship, food, and puns.
Art of Fighting (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like bad English and bootlegs.
Astral Chain (1 article)
This post focuses on incorrect translations.
Atelier Marie + Elie (1 article)
Includes a look at fan translations, translation notes, typos, and more.
Athena (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Ayakashi Koi Gikyoku (2 articles)
These posts focus on bad English.
B.C. Story (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include bad English and bootlegs.
Bad Dudes (2 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include bad English and untranslated text.
Bahamut Lagoon (1 article)
I mainly cover game programming in this post.
Bakutoshi Patton-kun (1 article)
I mainly cover swearing in this post.
Banjo-Kazooie (2 articles)
These posts feature a look at the Japanese language, rhyming, and songs.
Banshee's Last Cry (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Battle Rangers (1 article)
I cover bad English, grammar, and typos in this post.
Beast Wrestler (1 article)
This post features a look at bad English and bootlegs.
Bionic Commando (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like censorship and insults.
Blazing Star (1 article)
Topics include bad English and bootlegs.
Bloody Wolf (2 articles)
Includes a look at fan translations, the German language, politics, and more.
Bomberman II (1 article)
I cover censorship, graphics/graphical changes, and religious topics in this post.
Borderlands 2 (1 article)
In this post I look at fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting.
Breath of Fire (1 article)
This post features a look at censorship and sexual content.
Breath of Fire II (11 articles)
These posts cover fan translations, programming stuff, technical stuff, and more.
Bubble Bobble (1 article)
This post features a look at bad English and bootlegs.
Bubsy (1 article)
Includes a look at catchphrases, English-to-Japanese translation, idioms, and more.
Cadash (1 article)
I cover pop-culture references, references to stuff, and secret content in this post.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2 articles)
Topics include anime, English-to-Japanese translation, manga, and more.
Captain Rainbow (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Castlevania (1 article)
I cover incorrect translations, references to stuff, and translation notes in this post.
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (4 articles)
Topics include censorship, consistency problems, death-related content, and more.
Castlevania III (1 article)
I mainly cover gender in this post.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (1 article)
Topics include incorrect translations, references to stuff, and translation notes.
Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (1 article)
Includes a look at incorrect translations, references to stuff, and translation notes.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (1 article)
This post covers incorrect translations, references to stuff, and translation notes.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1 article)
This post focuses on punched-up text.
Cave Story (1 article)
In this post we'll examine fan translations and incorrect translations.
Celeste (1 article)
In this post we'll examine English-to-Japanese translation, gender, and speech styles.
Chain Chronicle (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like anime, consistency problems, gender, and more.
Chaos Wars (1 article)
This post covers bad English, fan translations, swearing, and more.
Chrono Trigger (9 articles)
These posts feature a look at gender, sexual content, font-related stuff, and more.
Clash at Demonhead (1 article)
Includes a look at idioms, jokes, and puns.
Collection of Mana (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Corpse Party (1 article)
This post covers politeness levels, punched-up text, sexual content, and more.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (2 articles)
These posts cover mythology, name changes, food, and more.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban (2 articles)
These posts focus on fan translations.
Daikaiju Monogatari (1 article)
In this post I look at fan translations, the German language, politics, and more.
Dandy Dungeon (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (1 article)
In this post I look at bad English, fan translations, swearing, and more.
Dark Souls (2 articles)
In these posts I look at anime, subtitles, alcohol, and more.
Dead Rising 3 (1 article)
This post features a look at fan translations, how Japan views America, and incorrect translations.
Deja Vu (1 article)
Topics include puns and references to stuff.
Destroy All Humans (1 article)
I cover fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting in this post.
Disgaea 5 (1 article)
Topics include the Korean language, manga, marketing, and more.
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (3 articles)
These posts focus on topics like anime, sports, consistency problems, and more.
Doki Doki Panic (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Donkey Kong (1 article)
This post features a look at font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English.
Download (3 articles)
Includes a look at bad English, bootlegs, and swearing.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Dragon Ball Fusions (1 article)
This post features a look at fan translations, translation notes, typos, and more.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse (1 article)
This post features a look at fan translations, translation notes, typos, and more.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like fan translations, translation notes, typos, and more.
Dragon Master (1 article)
I cover bad English and bootlegs in this post.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Dragon Quest II (1 article)
I cover gender and insults in this post.
Dragon Quest III (2 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include food, memes, movies, and more.
Dragon Quest IV (3 articles)
Topics include censorship, graphics/graphical changes, religious topics, and more.
Dragon Quest V (1 article)
In this post I look at anime, consistency problems, and name changes.
Dragon Quest X (2 articles)
I cover font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English in these posts.
Dragon Quest XI (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Dragon Warrior III (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include food, memes, movies, and more.
Dragon Warrior VII (2 articles)
These posts feature a look at bad English, religious topics, and swearing.
Earnest Evans (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include anime, pop-culture references, and references to stuff.
EarthBound (64 articles)
In these posts we'll examine beta content, name changes, unused content, and more.
EarthBound 64 (2 articles)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
EarthBound Beginnings (6 articles)
These posts cover censorship, graphics/graphical changes, religious topics, and more.
Earthlock (1 article)
I cover English-to-Japanese translation, gender, and speech styles in this post.
Enter the Gungeon (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting.
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (1 article)
I cover food, memes, movies, and more in this post.
Fallout 4 (2 articles)
These posts focus on topics like anime, English-to-Japanese translation, manga, and more.
Fat Princess (1 article)
This post features a look at censorship and fat-related topics.
Final Fantasy (10 articles)
In these posts I look at fan translations, programming stuff, technical stuff, and more.
Final Fantasy Adventure (5 articles)
Topics include historical stuff, unused content, culture stuff, and more.
Final Fantasy II (3 articles)
In these posts we'll examine alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more.
Final Fantasy III (2 articles)
These posts cover alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more.
Final Fantasy IV (61 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include fan translations, programming stuff, technical stuff, and more.
Final Fantasy IV The After Years (4 articles)
I cover comedy, jokes, wordplay, and more in these posts.
Final Fantasy IX (3 articles)
These posts cover English-to-Japanese translation, gender, speech styles, and more.
Final Fantasy Legend II (2 articles)
I cover alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more in these posts.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (2 articles)
I cover name changes, alcohol, anime, and more in these posts.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include alcohol, anime, food, and more.
Final Fantasy Tactics (3 articles)
I cover fan translations, bad English, religious topics, and more in these posts.
Final Fantasy V (6 articles)
These posts feature a look at alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more.
Final Fantasy VI (33 articles)
I cover anime, consistency problems, name changes, and more in these posts.
Final Fantasy VII (12 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include insults, incorrect translations, mythology, and more.
Final Fantasy VIII (3 articles)
In these posts I look at bad English and references to stuff.
Final Fantasy X (3 articles)
In these posts we'll examine fan translations, music, pop-culture references, and more.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (1 article)
I cover censorship, consistency problems, death-related content, and more in this post.
Final Fantasy XIV (3 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include fan translations, bad English, swearing, and more.
Final Fantasy XV (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Final Fight (1 article)
I cover alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more in this post.
Fire Emblem Awakening (1 article)
This post features a look at food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Fire Emblem Fates (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Fire Emblem GBA (1 article)
I cover marketing and references to stuff in this post.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Forgotten Worlds (1 article)
In this post I look at food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Gargoyle's Quest (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Ghostbusters (3 articles)
I cover bad English, bootlegs, grammar, and more in these posts.
Ghosts 'n Goblins (3 articles)
In these posts I look at magazines, name changes, religious topics, and more.
Gitaroo Man (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include comedy, jokes, and wordplay.
God of War 2018 (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include bad English and fan translations.
Godzilla: Monsters Attack (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Golvellius (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like anime, consistency problems, gender, and more.
Gone Home (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Goonies (1 article)
Includes a look at bad English, comedy, historical stuff, and more.
Goonies II (2 articles)
Topics include font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more.
Grand Theft Auto IV (1 article)
This post features a look at dialects and English-to-Japanese translation.
Grand Theft Auto V (2 articles)
In these posts I look at fan translations, translation wars, voice acting, and more.
Gunbarich (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like bad English and non-native English speakers.
Hana no Star Kaido (2 articles)
I cover food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more in these posts.
Hard Drivin' (1 article)
This post covers anime, English-to-Japanese translation, manga, and more.
Harvest Moon (2 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include bad English, bootlegs, and literal translations.
Harvest Moon 64 (2 articles)
I cover food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more in these posts.
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Hearthstone (1 article)
In this post we'll examine English-to-Japanese translation, gender, and speech styles.
Heaven's Vault (1 article)
This post focuses on bad English.
Heroland (1 article)
In this post I look at comedy, jokes, manga, and more.
Horizon Zero Dawn (2 articles)
These posts cover fan translations, translation wars, voice acting, and more.
Hyrule Warriors (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Idol Hakkenden (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Iris School of Wizardry (1 article)
This post focuses on bad English.
Kabuki Rocks (1 article)
Includes a look at alcohol, anime, food, and more.
Kid Icarus: Uprising (3 articles)
These posts focus on topics like sports and name changes.
Kidō Senshi Gundam Part 1: Daichi ni Tatsu! (2 articles)
Includes a look at font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more.
Kingdom Hearts (2 articles)
These posts focus on bad English.
Kitty Love (1 article)
I mainly cover bad English in this post.
Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (1 article)
This post features a look at anime, pop-culture references, and references to stuff.
Knight Rider (1 article)
In this post we'll examine food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Let's Tap (1 article)
In this post I look at anime, pop-culture references, and references to stuff.
Life is Strange (1 article)
Topics include fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting.
Lifeline (1 article)
In this post we'll examine fan translations, translation notes, typos, and more.
Linkle Liver Story (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Live A Live (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (3 articles)
I cover alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more in these posts.
Lufia: Fortress of Doom (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English.
Lufia: The Legend Returns (1 article)
This post focuses on swearing.
Lunar (2 articles)
In these posts I look at anime, consistency problems, name changes, and more.
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue (1 article)
In this post I look at anime, consistency problems, gender, and more.
Magami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Magical Vacation (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Magician Lord (1 article)
Includes a look at bad English and bootlegs.
Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (1 article)
I cover jokes and puns in this post.
Mario is Missing (1 article)
I mainly cover marketing in this post.
Mario Party (1 article)
This post covers anime and sports.
Mario Party Advance (1 article)
I mainly cover comedy in this post.
Mega Man (2 articles)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Mega Man 8 (1 article)
I cover bad English, fan translations, swearing, and more in this post.
Mega Man II (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include name changes and typos.
Mega Man III (1 article)
This post focuses on name changes.
Mega Man V (1 article)
This post focuses on name changes.
Mega Man VII (1 article)
I mainly cover swearing in this post.
Mega Man X4 (1 article)
I mainly cover swearing in this post.
Mega Man Zero (1 article)
I cover alcohol, anime, food, and more in this post.
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible III (1 article)
I cover bad English, fan translations, swearing, and more in this post.
Metal Gear (1 article)
Topics include bad English and bootlegs.
Metal Gear Ghost Babel (1 article)
Includes a look at food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Metal Gear Rising (2 articles)
These posts feature a look at comedy, jokes, wordplay, and more.
Metal Gear Solid (2 articles)
These posts cover fan translations and bad English.
Metal Gear Solid 2 (1 article)
I mainly cover wordplay in this post.
Metal Gear Solid 3 (1 article)
I cover Japanese writing systems and wordplay in this post.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like accents, Japanese game ratings, comedy, and more.
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (1 article)
I mainly cover bad English in this post.
Metal Max (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Meteos (1 article)
I mainly cover sports in this post.
Metro Cross (1 article)
This post focuses on sports.
Metroid (3 articles)
I cover gender and incorrect translations in these posts.
Metroid: Other M (1 article)
I mainly cover differences of opinion in this post.
Mighty No. 9 (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include fan translations and untranslated text.
Mio's Mystery Adventure (1 article)
This post features a look at bad English and religious topics.
Miracle Girls (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Moldorian: The Sisters of Light and Darkness (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Monopoly (1 article)
Includes a look at alcohol, censorship, food, and more.
Monster Hunter Generations (1 article)
In this post I look at alcohol, anime, food, and more.
Monster Hunter: World (1 article)
This post focuses on bad English.
Moon: RPG Remix Adventure (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Mortal Kombat (2 articles)
These posts cover basketball, sports, alcohol, and more.
MOTHER 1+2 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
MOTHER 2 (51 articles)
Includes a look at censorship, graphics/graphical changes, religious topics, and more.
MOTHER 3 (17 articles)
In these posts I look at comedy, jokes, manga, and more.
Myst (1 article)
This post features a look at food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
NCAA Basketball (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like basketball, name changes, parodies, and more.
NeuroVoider (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include English-to-Japanese translation, gender, and speech styles.
Ni no Kuni: The Jet-Black Mage (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Nier (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
NieR: Automata (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Ninja Gaiden (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include programming stuff and technical stuff.
Ninja Gaiden II (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include fan translations, programming stuff, and technical stuff.
Ninja Gaiden X (1 article)
I mainly cover ninjas in this post.
Octopath Traveler (2 articles)
These posts feature a look at anime, consistency problems, name changes, and more.
Ogre Battle 64 (1 article)
This post focuses on swearing.
Okage: Shadow King (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include anime, consistency problems, gender, and more.
Operation Wolf 3 (1 article)
This post features a look at food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Overwatch (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting.
Pac-Man World 2 (1 article)
Includes a look at anime, consistency problems, and name changes.
Panic Restaurant (1 article)
Includes a look at bad English and religious topics.
Paper Mario (2 articles)
These posts feature a look at anime, consistency problems, name changes, and more.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (3 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include music, name changes, sports, and more.
Perfect Dark (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Persona 3 (1 article)
Topics include fan translations and untranslated text.
Persona 4 Golden (1 article)
Includes a look at comedy and jokes.
Persona 5 (2 articles)
These posts cover incorrect translations and bad English.
Phantasy Star (2 articles)
These posts focus on topics like font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more.
Phantasy Star III (1 article)
This post covers font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English.
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium (1 article)
This post focuses on politeness levels.
Phantasy Star Online 2 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Phantasy Star Universe (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like food, memes, movies, and more.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (4 articles)
Includes a look at fan translations, food, memes, and more.
Pit Fighter (1 article)
This post features a look at anime, English-to-Japanese translation, manga, and more.
Pokemon Black / White (1 article)
In this post I look at anime, consistency problems, and name changes.
Pokemon Black 2 / White 2 (1 article)
I mainly cover incorrect translations in this post.
Pokemon Diamond / Pearl (1 article)
In this post I look at rumors and sexual content.
Pokemon Gold / Silver (3 articles)
In these posts I look at alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more.
Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver (1 article)
In this post we'll examine comedy and sexual content.
Pokemon Red / Blue (8 articles)
I cover font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more in these posts.
Pokemon X / Y (3 articles)
I cover censorship, gender, catchphrases, and more in these posts.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon S (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Princess Maker 2 (1 article)
This post focuses on bad English.
Pro Wrestling (2 articles)
These posts cover anime, English-to-Japanese translation, manga, and more.
Project JUDGE (2 articles)
These posts cover bad English and fan translations.
Project X Zone 2 (1 article)
This post covers puns and references to stuff.
PuLiRuLa (1 article)
I mainly cover swearing in this post.
Refreshing Sideways Puzzle Ghost Hammer (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Resident Evil (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Resident Evil 2 (1 article)
I cover food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more in this post.
Resident Evil 5 (1 article)
Includes a look at comedy, jokes, and puns.
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include literal translations and speech styles.
River City Ransom (1 article)
This post features a look at translations that surpass their source text and sound effect words.
Robotrek (1 article)
In this post I look at bad English and bootlegs.
Rock-On (1 article)
In this post I look at bad English and bootlegs.
Rogue Legacy (1 article)
I cover fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting in this post.
Romancing Saga 2 (2 articles)
Topics include the Korean language, manga, marketing, and more.
Rosenkreuzstilette (1 article)
In this post we'll examine fan translations and parodies.
RPG Jinsei Game (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin (2 articles)
In these posts we'll examine anime, English-to-Japanese translation, ninjas, and more.
Ryu ga Gotoku Kenzan (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
S.T.U.N. Runner (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include anime, English-to-Japanese translation, manga, and more.
Samurai Ghost (1 article)
I cover bad English and bootlegs in this post.
Samurai Shodown IV (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include bad English and bootlegs.
Secret of Mana (8 articles)
These posts focus on topics like comedy, jokes, wordplay, and more.
Secret of the Stars (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more.
Sega Ninja (1 article)
I cover font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English in this post.
Seiken Densetsu 3 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Sekiro (2 articles)
I cover culture stuff, historical stuff, incorrect translations, and more in these posts.
Selfy Collection (1 article)
Topics include historical stuff, incorrect translations, typos, and more.
Shadowgate (3 articles)
I cover anime, consistency problems, gender, and more in these posts.
Shaq Fu (1 article)
This post features a look at basketball and sports.
Shin Megami Tensei (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include alcohol, anime, food, and more.
Shin Megami Tensei if (3 articles)
I mainly cover bad English in these posts.
Shin Megami Tensei IV (1 article)
I cover alcohol, anime, food, and more in this post.
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (2 articles)
These posts focus on topics like gender, insults, fan translations, and more.
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (1 article)
I cover alcohol, anime, food, and more in this post.
Shining Force II (1 article)
I cover new content that was added in and swearing in this post.
Shovel Knight (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Silent Hill 2 (1 article)
This post covers anime, pop-culture references, and references to stuff.
Sky Skipper (1 article)
I mainly cover swearing in this post.
Skyrim (2 articles)
These posts feature a look at anime, English-to-Japanese translation, ninjas, and more.
Slash Hero (1 article)
I cover bad English and machine translation in this post.
Sonic Battle (1 article)
I mainly cover sports in this post.
Sonic CD (1 article)
In this post we'll examine spelling Japanese words in English and secret content.
Sonic Generations (1 article)
I mainly cover name changes in this post.
Speed Power Gunbike (1 article)
This post features a look at food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Splatoon (1 article)
In this post I look at catchphrases, jokes, and puns.
Star Ocean (1 article)
I mainly cover game programming in this post.
Star Ocean: Blue Sphere (1 article)
Topics include font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English.
Star Ocean: The Second Story (3 articles)
Includes a look at censorship, graphics/graphical changes, religious topics, and more.
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (1 article)
I mainly cover bad English in this post.
Stardew Valley (2 articles)
I cover anime, English-to-Japanese translation, ninjas, and more in these posts.
StarTropics (1 article)
Includes a look at font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English.
Steins;Gate (1 article)
This post covers font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English.
Stop the Express (1 article)
In this post I look at bad English and bootlegs.
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Street Fighter II (4 articles)
Topics include basketball, sports, Japanese writing systems, and more.
Street Fighter V (1 article)
Topics include alcohol, anime, food, and more.
Street Fighter x Tekken (1 article)
I cover memes, pop-culture references, and references to stuff in this post.
Suikoden (3 articles)
These posts cover game programming, translation notes, unused content, and more.
Summer Sweetheart (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Super Castlevania IV (1 article)
This post focuses on topics like censorship, graphics/graphical changes, and religious topics.
Super Dunk Shot (1 article)
In this post we'll examine basketball, name changes, parodies, and more.
Super Mario 64 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Super Mario All-Stars (1 article)
In this post I look at fan translations, programming stuff, and technical stuff.
Super Mario Bros. (10 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include the Spanish language, mythology, name changes, and more.
Super Mario Bros. 2 (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Super Mario Kart (1 article)
I cover alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more in this post.
Super Mario Land (2 articles)
I cover name changes and untranslated text in these posts.
Super Mario Odyssey (3 articles)
I cover font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more in these posts.
Super Mario RPG (9 articles)
These posts cover anime, manga, music, and more.
Super Mario Sunshine (1 article)
I mainly cover sports in this post.
Super Mario USA (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Super Mario World (6 articles)
These posts cover anime, consistency problems, name changes, and more.
Super Metroid (2 articles)
These posts focus on incorrect translations.
Super Paper Mario (2 articles)
Includes a look at consistency problems, gender, and pronouns.
Super Punch-Out (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Super Robot Wars EX (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Super Smash Bros. (2 articles)
I cover sports and anime in these posts.
Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U (6 articles)
These posts cover sports, differences of opinion, name changes, and more.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2 articles)
These posts focus on topics like incorrect translations and sports.
Super Smash Bros. Melee (3 articles)
I cover sports, English-to-Japanese translation, gender, and more in these posts.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2 articles)
I mainly cover sports in these posts.
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (17 articles)
Includes a look at anime, bad English, incorrect translations, and more.
Syd of Valis (1 article)
I mainly cover untranslated text in this post.
Takeshi's Challenge (1 article)
I cover fan translations, food, jokes, and more in this post.
Tales of Berseria (1 article)
This post covers grammar and incorrect translations.
Tales of Destiny (1 article)
Includes a look at anime and sports.
Tales of Phantasia (2 articles)
In these posts we'll examine alcohol, fan translations, sexual content, and more.
Tales of the Abyss (1 article)
In this post I look at the Japanese language and incorrect translations.
Tales of Vesperia (1 article)
This post covers accents and dialects.
Tamagotchi (1 article)
This post features a look at food, incorrect translations, pronunciation, and more.
Tengai Makyo IV (1 article)
This post covers culture stuff, how Japan views America, and parodies.
Tengai Makyo Zero (2 articles)
Topics include fan translations, how Japan views America, and incorrect translations.
Terranigma (2 articles)
Includes a look at alcohol, censorship, consistency problems, and more.
The Combatribes (1 article)
In this post I look at alcohol, censorship, death-related content, and more.
The Cursed Treasure of Cleopatra (1 article)
In this post I look at bad English, fan translations, swearing, and more.
The Karate Kid (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
The Last of Us (1 article)
This post features a look at fan translations, translation wars, and voice acting.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky First Chapter (1 article)
I mainly cover gender in this post.
The Legend of Zelda (20 articles)
In these posts we'll examine anime, consistency problems, name changes, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include censorship, fat-related topics, Japanese writing systems, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (14 articles)
These posts feature a look at fan translations, anime, consistency problems, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2 articles)
I mainly cover swearing in these posts.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (7 articles)
Includes a look at historical stuff, magazines, new content that was added in, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3 articles)
Topics include historical stuff, magazines, anime, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (6 articles)
Includes a look at historical stuff, magazines, font-related stuff, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (3 articles)
These posts focus on topics like incorrect translations, food, memes, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (1 article)
I mainly cover sports in this post.
The Longest Five Minutes (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include anime, consistency problems, gender, and more.
The Ninja Kids (1 article)
In this post I look at bad English and religious topics.
Time Zone (1 article)
I mainly cover untranslated text in this post.
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! (1 article)
In this post we'll examine movies and pop-culture references.
Tomato Adventure (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Tomodachi Life (1 article)
I cover censorship and fat-related topics in this post.
Transformers: Convoy no Nazo (3 articles)
These posts focus on topics like font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more.
Trials of Mana (2 articles)
These posts focus on fan translations.
Trinity Universe (1 article)
This post focuses on fan translations.
Twinkle Star Sprites (3 articles)
In these posts we'll examine bad English, spelling Japanese words in English, typos, and more.
Um Jammer Lammy (1 article)
Includes a look at censorship, graphics/graphical changes, and religious topics.
Undercover Cops (1 article)
I mainly cover fan translations in this post.
Undertale (3 articles)
In these posts I look at anime, English-to-Japanese translation, ninjas, and more.
Unholy Heights (1 article)
In this post we'll examine anime, consistency problems, gender, and more.
Uninvited (2 articles)
These posts feature a look at font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more.
Virtual Hydlide (1 article)
Topics include secret content and voice acting.
Vroom in the night sky (1 article)
I cover bad English and non-native English speakers in this post.
Waku Waku Sweets (1 article)
In this post I look at comedy, jokes, and wordplay.
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves (1 article)
This post covers culture stuff, historical stuff, and songs.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1 article)
I wrote some stuff here but I forget what topics specifically.
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2 articles)
Includes a look at English-to-Japanese translation, wordplay, fan translations, and more.
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (1 article)
Includes a look at font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and spelling Japanese words in English.
World Heroes 2 (1 article)
I cover fan translations, the German language, politics, and more in this post.
World of Final Fantasy (1 article)
I cover censorship, consistency problems, death-related content, and more in this post.
WorldNeverland (1 article)
Some of the topics I discuss here include bad English, fan translations, swearing, and more.
Wrath of the Black Manta (1 article)
I cover drug-related content, graphics/graphical changes, and ninjas in this post.
Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth (1 article)
In this post I look at historical stuff, pop-culture references, and references to stuff.
Xenoblade Chronicles (3 articles)
In these posts I look at anime, sports, and Japanese writing systems.
Xenogears (3 articles)
I cover bad English, fan translations, references to stuff, and more in these posts.
Yakuza (1 article)
In this post I look at comedy, jokes, and wordplay.
Yakuza 0 (4 articles)
In these posts I look at food, memes, movies, and more.
Yakuza 2 (1 article)
This post covers gender and insults.
Yakuza 3 (1 article)
I cover gender and insults in this post.
Yakuza 4 (1 article)
This post covers gender and insults.
Yakuza 6 (3 articles)
These posts feature a look at bad English, culture stuff, fan translations, and more.
Yakuza Kiwami (1 article)
This post covers dialects, fan translations, food, and more.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 (1 article)
In this post I look at gender and insults.
Yokai Watch (1 article)
Topics include fan translations, the German language, politics, and more.
Yoshi's Island (2 articles)
In these posts I look at anime, English-to-Japanese translation, ninjas, and more.
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (3 articles)
Topics include incorrect translations and bad English.
Zanac (1 article)
This post covers bad English and religious topics.
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (5 articles)
Some of the topics I discuss here include incorrect translations, font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, and more.
Zero Wing (6 articles)
Topics include font-related stuff, Japanese writing systems, spelling Japanese words in English, and more.